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São Paulo/SP – August 01, 2022. To help you choose the best model that fits your organization's needs, we made a comparison between the ISO 27001 certification and the SOC 2 Compliance Report.

*By Kelli Ribeiro

Due to the growing wave of cyber attacks, information theft and increasing demands from regulatory bodies, suppliers and customers, organizations are looking to improve their processes, products and services in order to demonstrate to stakeholders a commitment to protecting their private information and/or or confidential and ensure the availability of your systems.

Organizations today have to attend numerous visits from their customers' auditors and respond to numerous requests to complete detailed security questionnaires or checklists about the control environment.

Certifications can generally help prove your company's commitment to the security of its information, as well as its effectiveness in meeting the needs of its customers, strengthening their confidence in an increasingly competitive environment.

To help you choose the best model that fits your organization's needs, we compared the ISO 27001 certification and the SOC 2 Compliance Report.

Differences between SOC2 and ISO 27001

1 - Certificate x Certification

SOC 2 is a security controls test report, ie a Security Audit Report.

The SOC2 report is divided into two types. Type 1 requires a management description of your organization's controls and short-term effectiveness. The SOC2 Type 2 report demands an attestation provided by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) on the security controls observed over time, in periods of 6 or 12 months. If both meet the requirements of the AICPA and all security controls meet the “Principles of Trusted Service”, a complete audit report containing the auditor's opinion is delivered to the Organization.

On the other hand, ISO 27001 focuses on the development and maintenance of an Information Security Management System (ISMS), which is a comprehensive method of managing data protection practices. To be compliant, the organization must perform a risk assessment, identify and implement security controls, and regularly review their effectiveness.

ISO27001 assesses the performance of the entire Information Security Management System (ISMS) over time and provides a Certification Seal.

By adopting ISO27001 you will have a more complete Information Security Management System and will be able to accelerate the choice of SOC2, if it is in the organization's interest. This order will facilitate the process, optimizing time and resources, if you are interested in both certifications to choose the right security framework for your organization.

2 - Certification Recognition

Both certifications are globally recognized, however SOC 2 is widely used in the United States. Now, if your organization intends to do business internationally, ISO27001 is accepted and can facilitate your entry into new markets.

3 - Implementation Time

To determine the implementation time we must assess the scope and maturity level of each organization. Typically the time to complete SOC2 Types I and II reports takes from 6 months to a year.

ISO27001 generally takes 6 to 12 months to complete, due to the additional process and documentation required to fully implement an Information Security Management System.


We conclude that no control structure is unique and we can combine both to add greater value to the organization and deliver a more secure service to customers. Safeway can help your company with the implementation process, as well as evaluate the best certification framework according to your market, types of customers and the requirements of your suppliers and regulatory bodies.

— Kelli Ribeiro is Privacy Information Security Manager [SAFEWAY]

How can we help?

THE SAFEWAY is an Information Security consulting company recognized by its clients for offering high value-added solutions through projects that fully meet the needs of the business. In 14 years of experience, we have accumulated several successful projects that have earned us credibility and prominence with our clients, who largely make up the 100 largest companies in Brazil.

today through 25 strategic partnerships with global manufacturers and our SOC, SAFEWAY is considered a one stop shopping with the best solutions in technology, processes and people. We have both the technical skills and the experience necessary to assist your company in the process of structuring controls and preparing the environment for the implementation of an ISMS, SGS or SGCN and, consequently, certification of operations, services or companies to the ISO27001, ISO20000 or ISO22301 standards.

In order to support companies in this process of evaluation and adaptation to the requirements of the LGPD, [SAFEWAY] has in its portfolio of services, the Cybersecurity Health Check whose objective is to carry out a diagnosis of the CyberSecurity, Information Security and Data Privacy implemented in your company, contemplating the pillars of Law SuitPeople and Technology.

through the Cybersecurity Health Check, risks associated with information security and privacy of internal processes and activities are identified, existing controls and new controls evaluated according to the size of your organization to increase the level of maturity and compliance, in accordance with good information security practices. If you would like more information, contact one of our experts!