The second edition of the event, which brings together leading experts in a differentiated, dynamic and complete online event experience, took place in October 2021.
Marcos Paulo, GRC and Information Security Manager at Safeway, was present explaining important topics such as LGPD and IAM! Check out the following video:
About Safeway:
THE SAFEWAY is an Information Security company, recognized by its customers for offering high added value solutions through projects in Information security that fully meet the needs of the business. In these years of experience, we have proudly accumulated several successful projects that have given us credibility and prominence among our clients, which largely constitute the 100 largest companies in Brazil.
Today through more than 23 strategic partnerships with global manufacturers and our SOC, SAFEWAY is considered a one stop shopping with the best technology solutions, processes and people.
Let's make the world a safer place to live and do business!