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[infographic] Trust in Social Media Security Is at an All-Time Low

Por 16 de novembro de 2016fevereiro 28th, 2019Sem comentários

By Kimberlee Morrison on Oct. 20, 2016

In our ongoing coverage of security topics for Cybersecurity Awareness Month, it’s important to recognize that all parties play an important role in security infrastructure. Businesses need to provide adequate solutions and people need to utilize the solutions provided. Unfortunately, according to a recent infographic, user confidence in the security infrastructures provided by social sites is at an all time low.

This year, 96 percent of the 1,017 American adults surveyed said they didn’t have a lot of trust in the ability of social networks to protect their privacy–three percentage points worse than a similar survey conducted in 2014. Millennials are significantly less trusting than they were two years ago, and those aged 65 and older are the least trusting group of all.

However, with increases in daily active users of up to 5 percent on almost every major social site, social media use is up overall. Even niche services like Vine and Tinder gained 8 percent and 6 percent more daily users, respectively. Tumblr was the only site to experience a decrease in active users.

Interestingly, while overall trust was down and a majority of users are still worried about specific kinds of security breach, worries about individual attack vectors are stable or decreasing. For example, 80 percent reported concern about downloading viruses or malware, the same percentage as 2014.

Declining trust in security is not a new trend. There seems to be a disconnect wherein companies aren’t providing clear security protocols and users aren’t taking advantage of the tools to protect themselves. Clearer communication of the benefits of security tools could go a long way to solving both problems.

View the infographic below–from Craig Newmark, Rad Campaign and Lincoln Park Strategies–for more details.



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