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São Paulo/SP – April 20, 2023 – It is important to note that Artificial Intelligence is not a single solution to all security problems. While it is a powerful tool, AI is not infallible and cannot completely replace human security teams.

*By David Silva

Nowadays, technology has advanced rapidly and artificial intelligence is one of the fastest growing areas. With the increased use of technology and the internet, information security has become an increasingly important concern. Artificial intelligence can be used to help protect sensitive information and prevent cyber threats.

AI techniques can be applied in several areas of security, such as:

  • Continually monitor the computer network, detecting any suspicious activity and alerting security administrators. Furthermore, AI-based solutions can learn from the normal behavior of a network and identify anomalous patterns, which allows for early detection of attacks and incidents;
  • User authentication through data analysis such as user behavior, typing patterns and location. Artificial intelligence can help verify a user's identity more accurately and securely.
  • detection of malware. Machine learning techniques are able to identify patterns in the behavior of the malware and distinguish real threats from false positives. This allows security teams to focus their efforts on real threats, reducing the time it takes to respond to security incidents.
  • Insider threats, such as malicious or careless employees. AI solutions can monitor user behavior in real time, identifying suspicious activity such as accessing unauthorized data or transferring sensitive information off-network.
  • Attacks of phishing, identifying and blocking fraudulent e-mail messages.

Unfortunately, the same AI technology used for defensive purposes can also be used by malicious actors to breach systems. Using AI, malicious actors are able to launch new attacks, created by analyzing an organization's vulnerabilities through spyware.

Another point is that Artificial Intelligence is also vulnerable to direct attacks. Himself software AI is vulnerable to manipulation and data poisoning, which destroys the integrity of its program. The AI behaves as intended based on the data fed to it. If false positives are provided, it would have harmful consequences for whoever is using the intelligence, putting their business at risk. Proper testing mechanisms and bug bounty programs can be used to address this issue.

In summary, AI can be a valuable tool in information security, enabling organizations to detect and prevent cyber threats in real time. However, its use must be done with care and in conjunction with other security measures.

It is important to note that AI is not a one-size-fits-all solution to all security problems. While it is a powerful tool, AI is not infallible and cannot completely replace human security teams. It is important for organizations to integrate AI with other security measures such as robust security policies, user training and human monitoring.

*Davi Silva is an Information Security Consultant (GRC) at Safeway.

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Today, through 25 strategic partnerships with global manufacturers and our SOC, SAFEWAY is considered a one stop shopping with the best technology, processes and people solutions. We have both the technical skills and the necessary experience to assist your company in the process of identifying and selecting the best techniques and solutions to protect your cybernetic environment, respecting the context and particularities of your business. If you want more information, contact one of our specialists!