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* Raissa Ataide

How important is adequacy regarding Information Classification?

The Asset Value

The information has a great value and is considered one of the main assets for companies, so it is of utmost importance that it be established Information Security controls to protect them.
Organizations today deal with a lot of sensitive, confidential information, such as financial, personal and strategic data.
Potential threats can reach these assets and they must be mapped so that risks that violate confidentiality, integrity, and availability are addressed before they directly affect the organization.


The purpose of information classification is to establish a protection parameter that is appropriate to its importance to the company, aiming at safety throughout the entire course, from storage, processing to handling.

To support the organization in implementing controls and creating a well-established policy and complying with security requirements, ISO / IEC 27002: 2013 assists with best practices for information security management and process definition, ensuring that they are continuously reviewed and appropriate to internal requirements, resulting in more structured methodologies.

The maturity gain is noticeable for the company as sensitive data management is controlled and risks can be remedied. Improvements occur even in synergy between areas and employees, because a good implementation is linked to training and awareness. When everyone follows the same guidelines, they are aware of internal vulnerabilities and means of prevention, resulting in reduced risk, especially in cases of information leakage.


Companies themselves may define the labeling criteria for their information, but these labels must be well documented and defined in the internal information classification policy. Clarity and detail influence the knowledge base of everyone handling information and the way they act.

Today most organizations, by default, use the following labels:

• Confidential and / or Restricted: Information that requires the highest level of protection.
• Internal: assets used internally and that may be shared by internal areas of the company.
• Public: Commonly accessible to all, visible to anyone.
It is the responsibility of the company to define which information will fall under these criteria.

Featured Information

Please note:

• The Information Owner is responsible for its classification;
• Unclassified information may be considered as public and may not match its actual criticality. For this reason, ALL information circulating in the organization should be classified;
• If necessary, establish in domestic policy that information with extremely sensitive data should use encryption features, which help to make improper access to data difficult;
• Continuously carry out the information reclassification process;
• Worry about the safe disposal of this data, from documentary (paper) information with shredders, to digital media and deleted files on machines, such as using the Eraser tool;
• Ensure that when formatted, no information remains accessible to anyone else on mobile devices;
• Report Information Security Incidents and worry about correcting them effectively, avoiding recurrences;
• Ensure that new employees receive training and awareness work, and for the old, establish a regular recycling grid;
• Review the Classification Policy at least annually or when significant changes in the environment occur that may affect the organization and its process;
• Have mapped which third parties share the information with the company;
• Create an information inventory and distribution list for areas to be aware of;
• Define responsible and if the company does not have, create a security team;
• Draw up a disclaimer and make sure everyone is aware;
• Perform access control and role segregation, especially for employees who have access to information contained in directories, systems, etc.
It is noted There are many items that should be considered when talking about information classification, but it is also evident the size of the relevance of this topic when addressing. Create culture and increase credibility in the market, with greater results and process adequacy.

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